While our parish staff will attempt to take appropriate precautions consistent with the advice of public health authorities, parishioners and guests should understand that they assume the risk of contracting COVID-19 anytime they enter a public space since such precautions do not eliminate the risk of infection.
Do you have a fever or flu-like symptoms?
Have you recently traveled out of the country?
Have you been exposed to someone with COVID-19?
Those who show signs of risk should not enter the church and should stay at home.
The faithful continue to be dispensed from attending Sunday Mass.
Those who are elderly or vulnerable are encouraged to remain at home.
Please wear your mask or face covering and maintain social distancing when at church. (Family members in the same household do not need to maintain distance from each other.)
As a precaution, collection baskets will not be passed during the offertory. Your contributions can continue to be mailed or submitted online if you do not wish to hand them in during collection.
There will be no gift procession during the offertory.
There will be no sign of peace before the Lamb of God.
The Precious Blood will not be distributed.
As an added precaution, please use hand sanitizer prior to communion.
The faithful are strongly encouraged to receive Communion in the hand and to carefully avoid any physical contact with the minister's hand when receiving. (If incidental hand contact occurs, the minister is to use sanitizer before proceeding.)
Those who do not wish to come forward at Communion are encouraged to remain in place and to make an Act of Spiritual Communion.
For the present, parishes should avoid using choirs in order to keep proper distancing. Rather, it is recommended that a musician be assisted by a single cantor.
Almighty God, our Rock and our Salvation, we beg you to pour out your Holy Spirit upon our fractured nation. Heal the divisions that separate us and remove all obstacles to authentic unity. May you guide this great country of ours and lead our citizens to embrace one another as neighbor’s and fellow countrymen, created in your own image and likeness. Give us a fresh opportunity for renewal and true solidarity for the common good of our homeland. May we return to our true identity as a people of faith and charity. Help us to always remain One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. Amen
As we begin our second year with the Blessing Box, we are in need of cash donations, food, household supplies and school supplies. Please put the items in the tote located in the narthex at Immaculate Conception or call: Gloria Lovelace at: 309-264-8035 for pick up.
Thank you for your support!!!
“If you can't feed a hundred people then, just feed one” ~ St. Mother Teresa.
St. Mary’s Altar and Rosary Society will have their second month-long collection for the Fulton County Humane Society during the month of October to commemorate the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Along with cat and dog food, they can use cleaning supplies, bath towels and stainless steel food bowls.
St. Mary’s collects the following items for the Fulton County Humane Society: paper towels, trash bags, bleach, laundry detergent, Dawn soap, Lysol, Purina Kitten Chow, moist cat food, moist dog food, Zip Lock bags, Tidy Cat, Q-Tips, and cotton balls.
Please place them in the designated container in the hall. Thank you!!!