The Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive will be held on Friday, September 17th and on Saturday, September 18th at the Country General in Manito. We need lots of help! Please sign-up in the Narthex. Thank you!
Thank you for your kindness and generosity! Because of your monetary donations we were able to send $2,143.00 to the Piarist School in Eastern Kentucky. They truly appreciate every donation they receive! They certainly know how to put the money to good use. Please stay tuned for information about Christmas donations
Please mark your calendars for next month’s biscuits and gravy breakfasts. They will take place on August 15th and August 29th. The donations from those breakfasts will go towards our Africa missions.
We are in need of adult volunteers to share their faith as a CCD teacher for both St. Patrick’s and Immaculate Conception parishes for all grade levels during the upcoming 2021-2022 CCD year. If interested or for more information please contact Barb George at 309-202-5260 and leave a message. Thanks!!!
Taryn Watkins and Fr. David are leading a School of Prayer at St. Patrick’s church on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30pm. We begin with a short instruction on prayer, then a time of reflection and ending with discussion. All are welcome!!!
On Labor Day, Monday, September 6th there will be a work party at Immaculate Conception parish to clean both the inside and outside of the church in preparation for Bishop Tylka’s visit. We need as many workers as possible, both men and women. Please let Joan Mattson or Gloria Lovelace if you can help. Thank you!!!
Griefshare is a Christian based grief recovery seminar and support group. The sessions will be on Tuesday nights in Havana at the Church of the Nazarene Fellowship Hall (334 S. Broadway). The first session is August 10th and goes through to October 26th from 5:00-7:00pm. The cost is $15 which covers the cost of the workbook. For more information or to pre-register contact Sue Roat at 309-543-3794.
Please consider praying for the priests of the Diocese of Peoria as shown on the “Priests Prayer Calendar” that is attached to the bulletin. Thanks ~ Fr. David
Peoria Area TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) Retreat program invites ALL high school youth to a Back to School Mass & Fellowship Wednesday, August 11th at the Peoria TEC Center, 401 N.E. Madison. Mass is at 6:00pm. Pizza after Mass & a couple innings of Shave Cream Wiffleball! Questions? Call Deacon Tim Blanchard at 309-231-3122.