In this time of calamity, the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception invite you (and so do I) to participate in a simple but incredible act of faith. To protect you and your family we urge you to post an Image of the Divine Mercy on your front door (like the Israelites who put the blood of the pascal lamb on their doorposts). The image represents the Lord, the Lamb sacrificed for us, from whose Heart flows Blood and Water, the streams of God’s mercy upon the whole world. The Lord promises us through St. Faustina: “that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish.” The Lord also said: “When chastisements for sins come upon the world and your own country will experience utter degradation, the only refuge will be trust in My mercy. I will protect the cities and homes in which the Divine Mercy Image is found; I will protect the persons who will venerate this Image. The only refuge will be trust in My mercy. . . Let everyone procure for their homes this Image because there will yet come trials. And those homes, and entire families, and everyone individually who will hold this image of mercy in deep reverence, I will preserve from every sort of misfortune. The time will come when all those who do so will give witness to the miraculous efficacy and to the special protection of mercy flowing from this Image.” If you are in need of a blessed Image please contact Elizabeth Forrest (309-338-1561) and she will mail one to you to post on your front door
Fr. David will be offering drive through confession this week, meaning: he will be standing outside wearing a mask, you can drive up to him, roll down your window and go to confession. After absolution you just drive away (and don’t forget to do your penance at home). Times will be sent to you through Flocknote. If you need a refresher to prepare for confession please see the Guide and Examination of Conscience on this page or the Confession Times Page.
The Lord has given us a unique opportunity to slow down and to spend more time in prayer and reflection. Look at this time at home as a Lenten retreat. Take time to read a spiritual book and to pray the rosary. For the Year of the Saints; read more about them and try to imitate their trust in the Lord. Peace to all of you!
During this time when Mass and Holy Communion are not accessible you can pray this spiritual communion prayer from home asking for the graces of communion without actually receiving communion: “My Jesus, I believe that You are truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You in Holy Communion, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen”
Due to the Corona Virus outbreak the Bishop has, as of today, decided to suspend all forms of public worship in our Catholic Churches until further notice. Beginning Saturday March 14th there will no longer be public Mass, adoration or any other form of public worship until further notice. The Bishop encourages all the faithful to watch Mass on television, and to spend intentional time in prayer and reflection at home.
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak the Bishop has, as of today (3/13/20), decided o suspend all forms of public worship in our Catholic Churches until further notice. Please see the letters on the News page. Beginning tomorrow, March 14th, there will no longer be public Mass, Adoration or any other form of public worship until further notice. The Bishop encourages all the faithful to watch Mass on television and spend intentional time at home and in prayer and reflection. Please consider praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet (and other prayers) for a quick end to the corona virus outbreak and for all those who are infected. You can find the Chaplet, several prayers and the Stations of the Cross under the "Our Faith" tab in the menu above. RCIA and CCD classes and all parish events and activities have been suspended until further notice. God Bless.