The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Those who approach the sacrament of Reconciliation, sometimes called Penance or Confession, obtain pardon from God for the offense committed against Him. At the same time, they are reconciled with the Church they have wounded by their sins, and which by charity, by example, and by prayer, labors for their conversion.
Confession times are below, but you may also setup an appointment with the Parish Office, if you are unable to attend one of the scheduled periods.
If you are curious to learn more about Reconciliation you can speak with Father David, watch the videos to the left or look at some of these useful links:
An Explaination and Why you should Confess to a Priest
More Detail about the Benefits of Confession
What the Catholic Catechism Says about the Sacrament of Reconciliation
If you are unsure of how or what to confess an Examination of Conscience can help and is always a good idea to review in advance of your confession to properly prepare for the sacrament. You can find a breif example of examination in the document under Helpful Documents.